A review by swinchester234
Grandfather's Journey by Allen Say


Grandfather’s Journey was written by Allen Say, a Japanese American. Say won a Caldecott Award for his illustrations for the book in 1994. This book tells the story about Say’s grandfather who journeyed back and forth between his homeland, Japan, and a land that he came to love, California. This book is interesting because whenever he is in one of the two places, he misses the other. This is relatable to children because if they ever have to move they learn to like the place they have moved to, but still seem to miss the other.
This book has amazing pictures that depict a grand adventure between the two lands. One interesting detail that Say was able to portray through the pictures was the progressing loneliness that his grandfather began to feel by the end of the book. The pictures become more solemn as his grandfather’s journey through life begins to reach its end. The book ends on a sad note, saying that his grandfather wished to see California one more time, but at this time Americans had gone to war with Japan, and he could not.