A review by booksandladders
Center of Gravity by Laura McNeill


Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This review was originally posted on Books and Ladders

This one was so good -- I am literally blown away with how good this one is. The only thing I did not like?? That I couldn't read it fast enough to satisfy my own needs.

The plot was very well developed. Some of it was a little obvious, but it still was suspenseful and original. I thought there could have been more about the past and how it coincides with the present, but this didn't detract from the story itself.

I liked Ava and her children, especially Jack. I thought he was such a well developed character, although at times I had to remind myself that he was only 8 because he seemed to be written as older than that. One of the main things I found with this one was that it was a little difficult to differentiate between the different characters and their voices with the changing points of view, but it was minimal. Jack was still very well written and at times was your typical 8 year old child -- especially with his heroics at the beginning and the end. I liked that parallel.

Ava herself was probably the most interesting character. I really liked the way she stood up for herself and wasn't afraid to get her hands dirty and fight for her kids. I thought she was very clever and used her predicament to her advantage without letting Mitchell walk all over her. She was the definition of a strong female character. I can honestly say she is a female role model for me.

I would have liked more from Graham and his lawyer-ing skills. I thought there might have been a hint of romance between him and Ava, but I am glad nothing came from it at that point in time. I think he was a solid character, but I still would have liked more. I thought since he was introduced fairly early in the novel that he would have a larger role to play in the investigation; however, he still made his impact, especially by standing up for Ava at every opportunity he gets. It was also nice that he was just a side character and didn't come in to "save the day" in a sense because we got that badass scene at the end that I will forever treasure in my heart.

I have much to say about Mitchell, but I don't want to spoil anything so you'll have to read for yourselves!

Overall: 4/5 stars because it literally kept me turning pages. I could barely put it down once I started.