A review by yazaleea
Fresh Ice by Marina Vivancos


So I was sick right, felt like i was dying (i'm a dramatic bitch). I wanted something to cheer me up, and when I saw this, it was too funny to pass up - omegaverse gay hockey romance??? BRING IT ON. I had ZERO expectations.

This was so fun. This was so good. I DID NOT EXPECT TO LIKE THIS, especially not as much as I did. This was supposed to be a guilty pleasure, a moment of weakness when I was sick. Far from perfect, I have sooo many questions and things that do not make sense about the secondary gender in their society, but it was so damn enjoyable and the romance worked!

Alonso is an Omega who always had to conceal his dynamic in order to make it to the NHL: while the NHL doesn't outright forbids Omegas from joining a franchise, professional hockey (sports in general) is implicitly an Alpha's club. He takes a bunch of suppressants and other meds not to raise suspicions, but he stays away from his teammates... until he has to show he is part of the team and is made to live with fellow rookie, Levy. Who is an Alpha. Danger, danger.

At first, Alonso is distant because he doesn't really trust anyone, Levy included, but Levy is so damn loveable that he doesn't really has a choice but to fall in love. Alonso's dad has made sure that boy was well traumatised when it comes to people, and Levy is there to show him how much he deserves to be loved. They're so domestic and you can see how they build a friendship, then more. Omegaverse often comes with a bunch of gratuitous sexual violence but it's not the case in this series. Levy is super soft and silly and he is exactly what Alonso needs in ways that are so far from the usual pushy, domineering partner. Levy includes him in a loving family setting, always reminds him he is amazing and is just the bestest boyfriend. I think the nesting is cute, sue me.

Of course, as I said, the book is not perfect. In a society with two genders, how are you going to discriminate on both? How come the NHL is ONLY for MALE ALPHAS? Why can't Alpha women join? How can you even hide your secondary gender, the players are probably made to go through medical exams and stuff that would reveal this kind of secret immediately, at least to the staff? Lots of questions about the worldbuilding but I don't think it's a priority for the author and you know what? Fair! It was already huge-brained to decide to write omegaverse hockey, like you go queen! It's also worth nothing that this series is wayyy less white-led than most other hockey romances I've read which is refreshing: lots of main characters of colour for once, bye swedes!

So yeah guilty pleasure turned actual soft spot, plus the friends-to-lovers thing they had going on MELTED me, the angst was over super quick and the boys are so in love.