A review by lisamchuk
Batgirl, Volume 1: Batgirl of Burnside by Cameron Stewart


Barbara Gordon has moved to Burnside to continue her PhD studies. New friends! New enemies! New costume! Same Batgirl. As one who isn't completely familiar with the past, and even though I had to look up some info (Who is Black Canary? What happened to Oracle?) I did enjoy this collection for what it was. I liked the art as it seemed more feminine than other superhero comics, cute, but not slutty. I like the inclusion of the social media element, though I did find it quite over the top after the first few instances. Having said that, I'm not the target demographic (which would skew younger), but I do think they've done a good job at making the new Batgirl appeal to young girls/women. It's young, spunky, not overly dark, dare I say hip and trendy.

And this makes it a good gateway novel to the universe. As one who doesn't read comics, will I pick up the next volume by the same team of writers/artists? Probably. Will I read backwards and pick up other Batgirl volumes? Probably, and Oracle/Birds of Prey too. Will I take a look at other New 52 volumes? Maybe. Good job DC, you've got a rookie interested. Now please take all my time/money.

Batgirl is an intelligent woman and a non-slutty superhero. Good enough for me.