A review by a_h_haga
Sunstone, Vol. 5 by Stjepan Šejić



I'm not entirely sure what I can say that I didn't say in the original review. It is short, but it wraps things up nicely. Yet again, I can't believe the story is over. I'm feeling hollow, and even the thought of [b:Sunstone Vol. 6|33307411|Sunstone Vol. 6|Stjepan Šejić|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1481429165s/33307411.jpg|54044031] being just around the corner doesn't help. Even with that soon to be in my hands, I know I will have to wait so long to get my hands on the next album, and then I have to wait again!
Yeah, Sejic has me hooked.

But returning to this album here, there is only one thing I want to say.
This album makes me smile to myself while reading, makes me think about my own life and choices, and it makes me cry a little.
The art is so amazing I can just sit and stare at it for minutes at a time. There are some beautiful pages in this book, and I'd recommend it to art-lovers just for that!


I'm actually having some trouble believing this series is over.
Its been such an interesting read, and I feel that I know Ally and Lisa. I've been invested in their story from the start - which says something about Sejic's characters.
Its also a great lovestory - and I don't normally like those!

Its been a h*ll of a ride, and I'm seriously sad its over.
But then I remember we'll probably see them again in the ''spin-offs'', and I breathe a sigh of relief.

I know this is a short review, but I don't know what there is to say.
This series is just amazing. The characters, the story, the art... I love it.
And this album... it was a great ending, and it wrapped everything up so nicely, and in a way I could really believe in.
Many stories has a rushed ending, and while this whole album was about wrapping things up, it was great.

Just read it!