A review by serialromancelibrarian
Claw by Ellen Mint


*** Book Q & A***

* How did the book make you feel?: I’m a big fan of shifter and paranormal romance when it’s well-done. This book was an interesting take and omitted the fated mate trope we see in other shifter romance books.

* How do you feel about how the story was told?: The beginning was really something! I wish I had known about the prequel before beginning which introduced us to Ink and Layla’s bond. The beginning of the book starts with an intimate scene between the two. There is a lot of action and the plot is fast-paced.

* What did you think about the main characters?: I really loved Ink and I began to warm toward Layla. I wanted more backstory on the characters.

* Which parts of the book stood out to you?: There are some smoldering scenes!

* What themes/tropes did you detect in the story?: Paranormal witch, shifter, reverse harem

* What did you think about the ending?: This book is the first in a series.

* What is your impression of the author?: I’m glad to be introduced to this author and will look for more.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.