A review by rellimreads
Hard Sell by Hudson Lin


Jackie Lau posted about this series on her IG. Brother’s Best Friend/Best Friends Brother is one of my favorite tropes so I grabbed the audiobook.

I loved the history and family bonds that Lin wrote for these two. Tobin’s resistance to being treated like the baby of the family and Danny certain he has to prove his place in the world. They were obviously destined for each other, but overcoming Danny’s obsession with work was a big hurdle. Plus both of them worrying about Wei’s reaction to them. This is a good one when you’re in the mood for angstier and push/pull between the MCs.

I really felt Danny’s apology and commitment to putting Tobin first. Their HEA and the ending were wonderful.

This was my first time listening to Tyler Tetsuda and I enjoyed his narration. He was a great fit for the characters and brought the emotions through well. Good listen.