A review by katiecatbooks
Death's Mistress by Terry Goodkind


Journey. Sorcery and magic. Slow paced.

Story: Nicci the sorceress and Nathan the wizard are roving ambassadors to the D'Haran Empire to spread the word of the new liberated free world.

Characters: Nicci is a sorceress, cold hearted and direct. Nathan is a wizard who has lost his powers of prophecy and is seeking to restore them.

Language: This is a slow-paced story and a tome at over 500 pages. The characters journey over land, encountering new people, friends and enemies, and spreading the word of the Empire far and wide. There are events throughout the story, each with its own buildup, climax and conclusion, but none of them are intense or deep or drawn out. So while this book is not suspenseful or a page turner by any means, it is written by a master of fantasy, and the story is so interesting that it is always a comfort and joy to return to the world and follow along. There is fantasy violence, but it is not very heavy or descriptive. There are scenes of sexuality, but despite that, this book would still be appropriate for mature teens and up. This would also be ideal for a reader new to fantasy, as it doesn't overwhelm with fantasy aspects and often explains things out, sometimes when things are already obvious.

Although this took me time to read, I really enjoyed this as a bit of lighter fantasy and I'm interested to follow the characters in book two.