A review by cupiscent
The Heroine's Journey: For Writers, Readers, and Fans of Pop Culture by Gail Carriger

funny informative fast-paced


Confession: Gail Carriger's style is not really my cup of tea (not quite a pun, but very intentional). I find her work a little too frothy, flippant, glib. But that's a me-problem! I very much support what she's doing and I am delighted that so many others enjoy it. Hooray!

So while I would have preferred this to be a little less chatty-Carriger, that's my problem. What the book does, it does very well, providing an exploration of an alternative to the Hero's Journey, and what a wonderful breath of fresh air it is. This isn't precisely in-depth, tending to the big-picture and option-opening rather than the practical, but it's still a good place to start.