A review by grubnubble
Landwhale: On Turning Insults Into Nicknames, Why Body Image Is Hard, and How Diets Can Kiss My Ass by Jes Baker


The last half of this book was a lot easier for me to read than the first half and I think, like other reviewers have said, it has a lot to do with Jes’s self deprecation. The messages in the later chapters are nuanced and wonderful and important. The earlier stories are peppered with discomfiting self-oriented critiques.

To agree once again with other reviewers, this bitch needed an editor. Most of the book comes off as a second draft. So much of that self deprecation could have been coaxed out with good editing. However, I do think that the seeming lack of editing allowed for more vulnerability to shine through and I did feel like I got some glimpses behind the scenes that I found validating and empowering. But with *really* good editing I think it would’ve been possible to have a more coherent narrative that also included those glimpses behind the scenes and that’s what I wanted this book to be.