A review by waveycowpar
God and the Pandemic: A Christian Reflection on the Coronavirus and Its Aftermath by N.T. Wright


I don't always agree with N.T. Wright's theology (usually it's a little earth focused), but this is a great time to be earth-focused. I think the insights Wright brings out are powerful, and his emphasis on the way of power for the Church being lament and sacrifice are spot on, fresh to me as I've never heard some of the Scriptures he interprets in the way he does, and inspiring for what church in a pandemic looks like.

His balanced view on opening the church buildings, for the right reasons, and keeping the church buildings closed, for the right reasons, is powerful.
I think it's more likely that a lot of the churches we do see reopening their buildings are not doing it for the reasons he would advocate as being the right ones, but it was nice to see someone who is on neither side of that fence, but just attempting to speak wisdom into that situation.