A review by a_reader_obsessed
The Imperfection of Swans by Brandon Witt


4 Stars

Having read [b:Then the Stars Fall|23110418|Then the Stars Fall|Brandon Witt|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1409248194s/23110418.jpg|42660191], I knew going into this that this was not going to be some bump and grind erotica - pretty sure Witt is never going to be that kind of author. What he has consistently done though, is address and explore some very tough issues and real problems that many have faced or know someone who has. His characters are flawed, and their worries and feelings are not simple nor easily handled.

As many people have said, this is quite the slow burn, but the payoff was worth it. Kevin may look gorgeous on the outside, his life seemingly perfect, but on the inside he’s a mass of swirling anxiety, insecurity, all with the desperate need to be flawless. When circumstance allows him to finally obtain his long held dream of owning a wedding shop, he‘s played it safe for too long, and he takes a bold chance.

Ultimately, that chance includes Casper, who becomes instrumental in making Kevin’s dream come true. He too, is ready to dive in and make his aspirations of owning a bakery a reality. On paper, he and Kevin would never work out, but somehow they’re exactly what the other needs.

So yes, there’s some very real, and not so easy to look at, struggles here. It's an unflinching portrayal of personal demons and the immense pressure one can put upon themselves - and thus, the not-so-pretty results of such expectations. The strength in this story lies in the understatedness - the gradual build, the layering, and the foundation that these two men set down in order to start anew with their business venture, and inevitably, with each other.

Love, in the right way, can heal and bolster, rather than negate or lose one’s self, especially when harsh truths come to light. This was very romantic, in and amongst the difficult, intense times. Overall, a very heartfelt story of how Kevin and Casper accept their faults, and how their hard won triumphs negate those doubts, as they use each other’s love to become the best versions of themselves.