A review by veronica87
A Sudden, Fearful Death by Anne Perry


So I accidentally skipped over the third book in this series. It didn't greatly affect my ability to follow the story outside of some references to things that undoubtedly happened in the last book and of which I have no knowledge. In any event, like previous books this plays out rather like a Victorian era version of Law & Order with the first two thirds or so dealing with Monk's investigation into the murder of a nurse- with the most capable help of Hester - and the last third showcasing the trial.

I like Perry's writing style as it imbues the story with a sense of formality that befits the time period it is meant to depict. It's true that it tends to get a bit introspective at times but I don't mind too much...although that is also a reason why this is not a series I could ever binge read. The trial portion of the story is not my favorite simply because the lawyers tend to restate and re-ask the same things and that can get tedious. And while I liked the story I can't help but feel a bit disappointed in how straight forward it all turned out to be. I think the author could have thrown in some better curve balls and not made everything so comfortably black and white, both for the victim and the guilty party. I also felt that Monk and Hester missed making some pretty obvious connections. Ah well, this series still remains one of my comfort reads and I look forward to reading about Monk and Hester butting heads again soon.