A review by maddiequinn
Clown in a Cornfield 2: Frendo Lives by Adam Cesare


Oh my god. literally oh my god. 1.5 stars

the back of the book in the acknowledgements it say something about the reader going "oh my god they made a clown in a cornfield 2?" and boy was that my reaction. not in the intended way. sorry Adam.

once again the people were hopelessly two dimensional expect, maybe Izzy Reyes, and even then, she was mentioned maybe 5 times tops and played no importance to the story. (yes including THAT scene). the dynamic between rust and cole was so off for so long and you introduced a problem (Hunter) just for nothing to happen. why would you do that adam?

I liked cole. I really did. but key word there is LIKED. I mean he was a total dick to rust throughout the story and there was no resolution in the end.

Jesus, the end. Adam needs to take a high school creative writing class because the girl that plagiarized an anime song and claimed it was her own poem could write a better ending. that was totally out of character, or the little character we were given.

the climax of the story was rushed and frankly not interesting. and WHY were there so many povs?

I mean Jerri was useless. and she was a hopeless attempt at diversity (again) there was a giant build up for something to happen between her and Sandra and nothing fucking happened.

I hated this book and will definitely be reading the third one if it even comes out.