A review by samanthapearl
Tag by A.J. Everheart


I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.

Tag is a story about Mia, Alex, and their life after the zombie apocalypse. As we read we find out how they survive and fall in love when life is at it's worst. When the book begins, Mia and Alex are strangers. They meet when Alex and his friends raid Mia's hideout for supplies. There is an instant draw between the two and together they face all the trials, secrets and lies the end of the world has brought them.

The book itself has a great story. It was well written and very hard to put down. The only thing I did not like about this book is it could of been longer. The ending felt rushed and I felt like there could of been more zombie action filler.

I struggled with what I should rate this book. It came down to the content I felt it was missing versus how good the content it did have was written. In the end I went with 4 stars because I thought it was a really good read. As a zombie fan, I really enjoyed it.

Overall, I do recommend reading this book if you are fans of zombies and/or dystopian books.