A review by plants_and_bees
Doctor Who: 12 Doctors, 12 Stories by Eoin Colfer, Charlie Higson, Richelle Mead, Alex Scarrow, Derek Landy, Holly Black, Philip Reeve, Patrick Ness, Marcus Sedgwick, Neil Gaiman, Michael Scott, Malorie Blackman


Ha! So, uhm, this one took me A WHILE.
Which is kind of surprising because the stories are so short but I kind of abandoned them quite soon.
But here we are today and I finished the boxset!!

So I think this will be my first combined review of short stories, I'm just going to post the reviews I have for each book down here.

(Note: I've read these short stories over the years and didn't read them in the right order, my way of critically reading books has been altered a lot and so some stories may be rated higher than I would nowadays)

Book 1:
A big hand for the doctor
Rating: 2/5 stars

"I need an entire hand just to do up my shirt in the mornings. Humans put buttons in the most awkward places even when they are quite aware that Velcro exists."

This was ehh, I liked the whole idea of it being the origin story of Peter Pan. Other than that not that great.
I only watched one episode of the first doctor, but what I've seen I didn't feel that it was the same doctor that I read about in this short story?
It didn't really work for me and only gets the stars for the Peter Pan idea.

Book 2:
The nameless city
Rating: 2.5/5

While I thought book 1 had more problems where it clashed with the canon at least I cared for that story.
This story I really did not care for really and I was also questioning the whole thing where the timelords pretty much stole the special seeds to make the TARDIS and stuff, I don't know it was weird and I thought the story wasn't put together well. It felt like two completely different stories, the book part felt like a completely different story then when they went to the nameless city and was only tied together by a tiny plot point. Did not really care for it.

Book 3:
The spear of destiny
Rating: 3/5 stars

This was definitely more interesting then the first two,
I liked the origin story of Norse Mythology according to doctor who it was really interesting and a fun twist on it.
To be honest I didn't see the I guess sort of twist coming which was fun.
Wasn't very sure what to think of the whole spear that was used on Jesus part but I suppose they needed a plot.

Book 4:
The roots of evil
Rating: 3.5/5

The best of the first four so far, this story was actually quite interesting and fun.
The doctors character seemed to really shine through and it was enjoyable to read.
I liked how it was written like it is normally filmed, it has the same build up as an episode which was fun!

Book 5:
Tip of the tongue
Rating: 3.25/5

This was enjoyable, I loved quite a bit of Ness' work and to be honest have read way better work by him (more than this is still one of my favorite books)
It was definitely not bad but also nothing special.

Book 6:
Something borrowed
Rating: 2.75/5

To be honest I thought this story was quite predictable. Yes the villain was a surprise but the hints in the first pages weren't too subtle and so I could very fast figure out how it was going to end.

It definitely wasn't bad.
I just wasn't really intrigued either and giving it 3 stars just simply felt too high still.

Book 7:
The ripple effect
Rating: 3.5/5 stars

Finally!! A story with the daleks! That absolutely made this story get extra points!
It was an interesting plot and only had no more than a handful of cheesy sentences (way less than the other ones in this series so far)
I definitely enjoyed this one.

Book 8:
Rating: 4/5 stars

This was one of the more enjoyable stories!
I was intrigued by the plot even though it may be more of the typical science fiction plots I enjoyed it a lot.
I don't really have a lot more to add though (also possibly because I'm writing this review 3 days later and it's such a short story there isn't much to remember I suppose.)

Book 9:
The beast of babylon
Rating: 3.5/5 stars

Even though nine only had one season and it's been quite some time since I watched it last he was once again very vivid. I love how all these authors from these little books got the doctors very right and vivid on paper.
The story was really interesting and Ali was a very interesting character, it's nice to actually be able to read from one of the aliens minds. To see what they think and read how their thoughts lead to certain actions. Really interesting!

Book 10:
The mystery of the haunted cottage
Rating: (So I actually never rated this one? But I remember enjoying this one the most so 4.5/5 stars)

Ten was written so well, I read everything with his accent and voice it really was Ten. [weeelll.. weeell..] [did miss allons-y though]. Martha was great too, I love all Tens companions and Martha was great once again. Both of them made me laugh, the way they speak to each other.
The story is about the Doctor and Martha being trapped in a storybook Martha read when she was a kid. It’s about the troubleseekers [which kind of reminded me of Scooby doo]
You’ll find more characters like Rapunzel and Dracula with some Harry Potter scenery. It was a nice read, and for such a tiny book so well worked out. Very nice how the writer fits this whole world with plot and outcome in such a tiny book.
This book gave me a good laugh and I really enjoyed reading it.

Book 11:
Nothing o'clock
Rating: 4/5 stars

This was a really good one! I wish that this one was an episode! the story was really interesting and well written. the characters were once again very vivid and I just overall enjoyed it a lot.

Book 12:
Lights out
Rating: 3.5/5 stars

Once again a great story! I liked that at one point I realized at what exact point this story would have taken place in the series and it made if feel more like it was part of the series. tho some 'scientist' parts were a bit confusing to me it was all cleared up at the end of the story. very enjoyable.

Total rating: 3.3 stars