A review by snoopydoo77
Scarlet by Marissa Meyer


As I slowly make it down my never ending TBR I finally got to Scarlet and I’m so happy I did.

I think I enjoyed this book even a little more than Cinder and I already loved Cinder.  

I just love this mix and perfect blend of traditional fairy-tale with SiFi that Meyer has created here with the Lunar Chronicles. This book takes of shortly after we left off with Cinder and we meet Scarlet and Wolf, their traditional counterparts are from Red Riding Hood.

I really enjoyed Scarlet, she was feisty, brave, strong so much more and wouldn’t give up, but she also had her vulnerable moments that made her even more likable.

Wolf on the other hand was not necessarily one of my favorites but I also didn’t not like him. He was just somewhere in the middle. Both of them together overall I enjoyed a lot but thought it was 0 too 100 in a short time but . But I can overlook that pretty easy in this case.

We also meet up with Cinder again who teams up with Thorne who by the way became my favorite Character so far, is just really funny fast think and yeah a heartthrob but he smugly knows it.

Him and Cinder bickering was just the best but they also worked well with each other.

And let’s not forget Iko who makes a comeback in a weird but oddly fitting way, I’m curious to see how it will change if it ever does, but I think it will.

Kai, was all left on his own and I kind of felt bad for him, he was trying to do the best thing and really was trying to do what is best for his people and he is paying the price.

We also learn more about Levina and the Lunas , their background , magic and what they want.

Overall a great second installment in the series and I can’t wait to read the next book and see how it all comes together even more.

I rate this book 4 ★