A review by katrinamarie
Chasing River, Volume 3 by K.A. Tucker


This review was originally posted on Bookish Things & More


K.A. Tucker never fails at pulling me into a story.  I'm so happy that we got Amber's story, and that it takes place in Ireland.

I really appreciated Tucker's note in the beginning about the unrest in Ireland.  It's something I never knew about, and helped for a bigger understanding of the story.  I felt like I was transported to Dublin, and like I was a part of the group.  We even get a little bit of Ivy in Chasing River.  I didn't think she would ever form a friendship with Amber, but I think they come to a definite understanding of each other.

I like that Amber's boundaries are pushed in this book.  She has to come to terms with emotions she's feeling and that she doesn't know how to deal with.  She's definitely not a fly by the seat of her pants type of gal, but she finds herself in that situation while traveling around Ireland, and meeting River.  River is definitely swoon-worthy, and he has secrets that he's pretty ashamed of.  He doesn't want Amber to know about his past, and he's infatuated with her.  I love his references to her list throughout the book even though he won't admit that he has it.  Watching these two characters react to each other is pretty funny.  River gets crap from his brother about his feelings, and Amber feels like she has nobody to talk to about hers.

River's secret could tear the apart, especially with Amber's views on what is right and wrong.  She finds out a few things about her family that completely rock her world, and she realizes there's a gray area.  I appreciate how she reacted to that bit, and how she struggles to find a balance in this new revelation. (If you've read the previous books, this is something that happens in Burying Water.)

Overall I loved this book, and didn't want it to end.  River definitely has a soft side, and shows that actions are more important words in the grand scheme of life.






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And don’t forget BURYING WATER and BECOMING RAIN, the first two books in this thrilling series…


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