A review by luann
The Dragon and the Turtle by Vincent Nguyen, Evangeline Denmark, Donita K. Paul


Roger the turtle was playing pirates and now he can't find his way back home. His new friend, Padraig the dragon, agrees help him.

What a sweet book! I particularly love the illustrations. They are cute without being overly cutesy. The message of friendship is based on a verse from Proverbs: "A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity." I thought the story was slightly predictable and repetitive, but in a good way. Very often children WANT and LOVE predictable and repetitive. And I agree with Roger's mom: "It always helps to have good mates along when you set sail."

There is a recipe for Chocolate Chip Snappers at the end, which looks delicious!

Note: I won this through the Goodreads giveaway program.