A review by beckymmoe
Safe from Harm by Kate SeRine


Great romantic suspense!

This one had me turning the pages (when I had other things I was supposed to do!), desperate to find out what was going to happen to Gabe and Elle. The antagonist, a scarily wily and influential domestic terrorist, seriously creeped me out. He had zero boundaries, especially as he got more and more desperate...


Fortunately, Gabe comes from a family of lawmen, so he's in the perfect position to step up and keep Elle safe from the family that's bent on vengeance--he's got built-in backup. Though I (unlike Elle, who wasn't willing to give him an inch for a good third of the book) completely bought into his supposed conversion into a one-woman man (I think Elle's aunt was right, he just wasn't finding what he was looking for with all those others), I did find his "secret" history of loving Elle since she moved into their neighborhood as a teenager rather suspect. Maybe he thought she was cute, in a younger-than-him kind of way, and yeah, the flowers were a nice touch. But pining the whole time? I don't know...

Her crushing on him, though, I totally buy--hot older guy and all, unattainable for so many years and then an apparent player (when of course her 'tude turns to one of disdain, as it should, as a cover up)--though her being so quick to think the worst of him when a case was on the line? That was...Not. Cool. She did have me giving her the squinty-eye more than a few times in the course of the novel. Fortunately she came around in the end, to make sure the "romantic" part of the romantic suspense would be fulfilled :)

Safe From Harm worked okay as a standalone--the younger two brothers, heroes of the intro novella ("Torn" in [b:Way of the Warrior|23158405|Way of the Warrior (Troubleshooters, #17.5; Deep Six, #0.5; Elite Force, #4.5; Justiss Alliance, #3.5; West Coast Navy SEALs, #3.5; Night Stalkers, #11.1; Protect and Serve, #0.5; Endgame Ops, #0.5)|Suzanne Brockmann|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1436014349s/23158405.jpg|42705287]) and book one ([b:Stop at Nothing|22364454|Stop at Nothing (Protect & Serve, #1)|Kate SeRine|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1434758065s/22364454.jpg|41773540]) of course play a part, but you don't have to have read their stories before this one. (Shhh--I still have to read Stop at Nothing. And I totally plan to before Tom's book comes out :))

Can't wait!

Rating: 4 1/2 stars / A-

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.