A review by reddyrat
52 Reasons to Hate My Father by Jessica Brody


There's only 1 reason to love 52 Reasons to Hate My Father: It's a lot of fun. If you're looking for a light contemporary novel, 52 Reasons fits the bill

Lexi starts out the novel as a spoiled brat inside and out. No one has ever said no to her. She's so sheltered that people who lead a less privileged life are so foreign that they might as well be aliens. Her mother died when she was very young and she's nothing more than a fly on the wall to her busy, super-rich father. Without love coming from her family, Lexi relies on easy highs - alcohol and shopping. She is a decidedly unlikable character.

All this changes when her father forces her to do 52 weeks of minimum wage jobs. Not that it changes easily. I have to hand it to Lexi. She is stubborn, independent, and fast-thinking when it comes to getting her way. No one can make Lexi be less of a spoiled brat. It requires Lexi to get her head out of her *** and realize that there's more to life than getting drunk and partying. As she starts to evolve, we see more facets to her character. I love how Lexi remains a strong, dominant girl but becomes someone I actually wanted to root for.

Part of this book was a romance. Lexi inevitably falls for Luke, the intern her father assigns to chaperone her work project. It's a run-of-the-mill YA romance. She changes him for the better, he changes her for the better. Happy, sweet, awwww... The romance was not the high point of the book. There was nothing bad about it, but nothing memorable either. What makes this book stand out is Lexi's feisty personality, the fascinating variety of menial jobs, and her hilarious snarky comments.

52 Reasons is a quick, easy fun read. The plot develops in basically the exact way you'd expect it to, but I don't read these kind of books expecting originality. I just want to have a good time. And that's what I had.

Rating: 3.5 / 5