A review by misshuckleberry
The Strange Journey of Alice Pendelbury by Marc Levy


This was one of the most delightful, fun, charming, and interesting books I’ve read in a long time. What I most delighted in was the dialogue. So often, it is unrealistic and stilted, or silly and unrealistic. In this case, the dialogue captures the personality of the characters beautifully. In fairness, I listened to the audiobook as well and switched back-and-forth, so it probably helped because there was such a terrific narrator. Nevertheless, the relationship between the two main characters, Alice and Daltry, is actually strengthened by the way they speak to each other. You learn more about each of them. Their personality really comes across.

It was also a unique plot. I love when I learn things, which is often the case with historical fiction. It gave me an entirely different perspective on Istanbul, and at one point addresses— albeit almost only as a mention— the extremely not well-known genocide of the Armenians by the Turks. Nevertheless, despite some of the sad events which are part of the unfolding of the characters’ histories, I would still describe this book as fun and charming.

I had not heard of this author, but I am very eager to read more of his stuff.