A review by thesgtrekkiereads
Diary of a Former Covidiot : Tales of Panic Buying, Surviving and Finding Humour during the Coronavirus Pandemic by Christina The


Lighthearted - check

Sex and the city Wannabe - check

Author wants us to know she is very much in demand yet still on the 'hunt' - check - four suitors.. maybe more now? Unless we see her on the prowl at her nearby supermarkets

Funny, even somewhat witty- check

Some grammar that accidentally slipped through the cracks - surprisingly yes

Honestly, a decently presented no-holds barred effort. Her realness came through. And I'm not surprised she has suitors (she does go on about them) as she is quite good-looking...

Will i pick up her latest... *shrugs* why not..

Interesting point, she maybe an opera singer grumbling about a recorder playing kid... honestly, if i were a neighbour working from home, as much as i do appreciate opera, I doubt I'd like either distractions while i wfh... just saying....