A review by rabbitholereader
Into the Jungle: Stories for Mowgli by Katherine Rundell



[b:Into the Jungle: Stories for Mowgli|38812918|Into the Jungle Stories for Mowgli|Katherine Rundell|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1537423419s/38812918.jpg|60386784] is a collection of five short stories by [a:Katherine Rundell|4511275|Katherine Rundell|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1505127171p2/4511275.jpg] that delve into the background of [a:Rudyard Kipling|6989|Rudyard Kipling|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1550677494p2/6989.jpg]'s beloved characters, Raksha, Bagheera, Shere Khan, Baloo and Kaa. She talks about their origin, positively correlating each background with the well known personality of every individual character. Each of the stories are compelling; for both children and adults.

Every story weaves it's way into an inspiring plot, joining together at the end to form a cacoon of words around each origin tale. [a:Katherine Rundell|4511275|Katherine Rundell|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1505127171p2/4511275.jpg]'s narrative is storytelling in it's truest, most endearing form; each written word chosen carefully to reflect the jungle and combine respective personalities into one, languid account. Her stories not only give justice to the original children's classic, but add a depth to them, as well.

The illustrations are gorgeously intricate, detailed to an immensely high standard. Each picture enforces the imagery produced by the enthralling narrative and portrayed a stunning piece of the classic story. The decision and addition of illustration was a decidedly epic one, and bought to life a story where words could fail, I thoroughly drank in the pictures and explored them with not only my eye's, but shoved them in the face of my partner, too, so he could also appreciate how the stories and illustrations were making me feel. The effect for him was a little less, sure, but the envy was clear on his face.

I'm thinking this one will have to go on my bookshelf. My bookshelf looks and feels empty without it.

Thank you to Net Galley for a copy of this ARC in exchange for an honest review.