A review by moira_desu
Before the Coffee Gets Cold by Toshikazu Kawaguchi


An interesting idea but poorly written (or at least the English version is). I have the feeling that this book might have started out as a fanfiction, because the style is way too theatrical and even the simplest things like pouring drinks is unnecessarily overcomplicated. Please don't get me wrong, I quite enjoy reading about everyday life and small things - if it's well written. In this case, objects, and their colors, their position to other objects and repeating names is NOT how you describe everyday life. There are no feelings or emotions in the description which simply gives me an idea of what's happening but no idea about the atmosphere.

Perhaps this would pass for a script for a mini series or so (or a play, because frankly, there's not much to the plot either) but unfortunately as a book it has no value.

The characters are two-dimensional and not at all likeable. They are pretty self-involved, none of them has any original ideas and their life revolves around meddling in each others' life at a small café.

Last but not least, some characters calling each other "bro" and "sis" just seemed really out of place. I suspect that in japanese this might have been "nee-sama" or "aniki" which is just a common way of showing respect, and I would have enjoyed it much more if they left it as it is instead of giving me gangster-vibes.