A review by kne
Watching from the Dark by Gytha Lodge


The fact that I can't remember anything about this book 5 months later probably explains why it only has 2 stars! I feel like the character development was disappointing after the first book and the mystery was a bit blah. But I just don't know. Still, I liked [b:She Lies in Wait|40072345|She Lies in Wait (DCI Jonah Sheens, #1)|Gytha Lodge|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1530021456l/40072345._SY75_.jpg|59915745] and I will probably give book 3 a try!

That cover though. Man.

I was already behind and didn’t write reviews for a huge chunk of the pandemic, so anything I read from February-July was reviewed in August or later… hence the lack of details!