A review by bikes_books_yarn
Tall, Dark & Dead by Tate Hallaway


I read this book and then my boss asked me what I thought of it. I told him it was pretty good - Good enough that I would be on the look out for the second one. He then told me he was friends with the author. Huh.

I am not sure what to say about this other than it was a pretty good book. I always try and cut first books a little slack and hope the series picks up. (Or just the authors writing improves if it's not a series.)

I did find myself a little annoyed at Garnet at times. She was impulsive in a way that annoyed rather than charmed. Also I get that she is a "recovering" witch - but if you are trying to change your identity is working in a New Age shop the best way to hide? I don't know. I guess I felt that this book had promise but it didn't quite hit the mark. Maybe book 2 will?