A review by queenofswordsandwords
Revived by Kora Knight


things I liked :
- the main characters

things I didn't like :

- "He was a guy after all, in his sexual prime, inundated with fucking testosterone." yeah, this has not aged well. idk, it rubbed me wrong way, ace people exist, I just no. It's just one example of a lot of offhand comments that men are always horny and it's normal. no thank you.
- a character wearing "guyliner". men wearing make up is great, make up doesn't have to be gendered, why couldn't he be wearing eyeliner ?!
- name dropping songs all the time. either songs that would never play on the radio, or the characters bonding over a cool song and it's gonna be something lame, it was annoying.
- the gay bashing of a character from the first book for NO FUCKING REASON other than to redeem his previous bullies who now came to his aid. like WTF. 
- The moment one of the main character get his head out of his ass has to be when he thinks that the mc will commit suicide. like I get that he's emotionally stunted but come on.
- Max should have GROVELED at sean's feet. like for a damn long time, after everything he's put him through. he got forgiven way too easily