A review by xiaozhansbooty
Remade by Alex Scarrow


By far one of my favourite apocalyptic novels with plot twists and unholy cliffhangers at every turn. Remade has everything you could possibly want from an Armageddon: pandemic flesh-eating, shape-changing, thinking virus, battle of the fittest, emotional moments, unexpected developments and gory deaths. For young adults with a love for apocalypses- non-zombie style. 5 out of 5.

From the first sentence I was hooked. With nauseating, stomach-churning descriptions, you have no choice but to picture the gruesome scenes as you read; and connect with the characters as they fight for their lives against a deadly pathogen that is quite possibly smarter than them. Throughout, I found myself holding my breath at the suspense along with Leon, Grace and their mother; bursting with rage at the atrocities of another character's’ behaviour; and wobbling like a leaf at the poignant moments where characters I had gotten attached to suddenly broke down or, even worse, got caught by the virus. We may have only known them for a few pages, but Scarrow makes you care about them and how they fare in their new plague-ridden world.

I will admit that at first, I wasn’t so keen on our main protagonist, Leon. He was the sort of whiny teenage boy who certainly was not cut out for playing the hero or surviving the apocalypse, never mind looking after his mum and sister. For this, I can forgive him. The three had just moved from New York to London after his parents had a divorce, he was adjusting to life at a new school and couldn’t seem to make friends with his new classmates. This newborn survivalist went through a brilliant character development and I found I had suddenly started liking him more and more.

There is absolutely no way I can wait until Alex writes the next book in this thrilling new series, the wait would be too much for me to take. I would recommend this book to everyone who enjoys a bit of blood and guts and gore every now and then. My 10-year-old sister is already starting to read it as I type this. She seems to be liking it as well.