A review by boezaaah
The Five People You Meet In Heaven by Mitch Albom



“Sometimes when you sacrifice something precious, you're not really losing it. You're just passing it on to someone else.”

I had really high hopes for this book. I had been recommended this countless amounts of time and I still haven't seen a bad review of it. But unfortunately I fall into the minority of people who didn't quite enjoy The Five People You Meet In Heaven. Although I can see how and why so many adore this book, it most definitely was not for me.

Personally, I think the concept of this book is great. But the execution not so much. I found the characters to be flat, and our main character Eddie's personality not interesting at all (which I feel is quite important in a book about said character's life). I think I would have enjoyed this much more if it were told in first person narrative rather than third person narrative. I feel it would have given the audience more of an idea of Eddie's feelings towards his OWN death, rather than reading ABOUT his death.

Everyone that I've seen review this book says it taught them 'life lessons' or really made them 'think'. This book for me, left no impact whatsoever... I'm surprised I can even remember who all 5 of Eddie's 'people' were. Sure, there were some nice quotes that I'll without a doubt revisit, but nothing life changing or worth remembering, because it just reads like glorified advice my mother would give to me.

Overall, if you're into books that discuss life and death in another light or that have some really pretty quotes, you'll probably love this. But it just wasn't for me, and I doubt I'll be picking up any of Mitch Albom's other books.