A review by betherin02
A Cowboy for Keeps by Jody Hedlund


featured on FaithfullyBookish.com

A herd of angry mama cows couldn’t keep me away from a book by one of my favorite authors with a COWBOY on the cover! Not only do I have a soft spot for the rugged heroes, but the moment I discovered the marriage of convenience factor, I was fully engrossed in this story!

Greta was exceedingly relatable. Both her strengths and weaknesses were at times uncomfortably familiar to me. Her mama-love for her sister Astrid and her “get-‘er” done work ethic are my favorite of her qualities. Similarly, Wyatt has a tough, hard-working exterior protecting his vulnerability, modesty, and compassionate heart. His quasi-surrogate-father slash fellow seasoned cowhand Judd completes the cast in a heartwarming Sam Elliott way.

Jody Hedlund has proven time and again that she is a brilliant storyteller by delivering vivid settings and authentic characters from any time and anywhere! I highly recommend A Cowboy for Keeps and eagerly anticipate the remaining installments of the Colorado Cowboys series.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher and was under no obligation to post a review. The opinions expressed are my own.