A review by aneumann
Call Me Athena: Girl from Detroit by Colby Cedar Smith


This was a bit of a mess. I usually love books in verse, but there were lots of problems here:

1) The person who narrated as Mary has a warbly, whispery voice and it got on my nerves so much.
2) The two couples who fell in love in this book were totally instalove. Basically they thought each other were hot and then they were "in love". It was endlessly obnoxious.
3) Mary's parts were incredibly boring. This would have been way more interesting as a love story between Jean and Gio. Even that would have issues though, because you wouldn't be able to tell that her parents are still in love. They were all such flat, boring characters.
4) The plot was a disaster. It lurched around, and basically nothing was explained. I actually scoffed when Mary is "jostled" into an elevator and suddenly Mr. Ford was there and she got a job. The ending and resolution was so abrupt. The characters just suddenly all had moments of realization that forced them to be a good parent (Gio), pursue a career (Jean), or get a job (Mary). Just so obnoxious for there to be so much wallowing and then over the course of 2 pages they all change for the better with one sentence as explanation.

Anyways, this was just a bummer.