A review by finallyfinnian
The House with a Clock in Its Walls by John Bellairs


I don't know why I recently picked up this long ago blast from my past - I remember first reading this book when I was a fat, friendless little kid just like Lewis. And I fell in love with his world. I wanted an Uncle Jonathan and a Mrs. Zimmerman in my life. I wanted magic and secret passageways and a scary mystery that you somehow knew would be solved because you were surrounded by love.

Now near 50, I raced through this book and find it just as charming, relatable, and engrossing as I did in the early 70s. Lewis is a lovable young hero with not a pompous bone in his body. He is absolutely unapologetic about his weird interest in ancient battles and his love for chocolate chip cookies. The adult characters are just as adorable. The mystery is compelling enough to keep even a grown-up reading. I wish I had 6-12 year old kids in my life right now, because I would be pushing this delightful book into their hands and begging them to just try to read it.