A review by greyemk
A House for Mr. Biswas by V.S. Naipaul


I’m not even sure I can say “what this book is about” or its themes. It’s about Mr. Biswas’s quest for a house. It’s about family you can’t get rid of and a colonial politick that circumscribes ambition but mostly just one ornery dude.

This is a book you read for the writing. The scenes pop off the page, the humor emphasizes the ridiculousness of all parties, the characters have such great witticisms. The style is accessible and pretty fast-paced for a book about basically nothing, but there are still turns of gorgeous lyricism hidden throughout.

I want to go read some reviews of this to see other peoples thoughts. But I think this is a masterclass in making mundane squabbles and petty complaints and routine failures important and interesting.

This reader and learner will be thinking about the casual phrase “wifebeating society” for a long while. Also the hammock calves.