A review by ldooten
The Best Friend Zone by Nicole Snow


This was a good read. The writing flowed well, and I liked Quinn and Tory together. This was a slow burn, and they don't really get together until over halfway through the book. I loved Quinn, he was an alpha, just how I like my heroes! Tory was a little harder for me to like. She was easily manipulated by everyone, and she didn't really stand up for herself. On top of that, they whole book starts with her being in love with Quinn since they were kids, but when he kisses her, she runs and her thoughts are she's not sure if she should do it. Really?? The whole point up until then she wanted him, and then all of a sudden she didn't? Too indecisive for me. I also got annoyed at her at the end. Quinn flat out tells her that there is danger, and she didn't believe him so she does what she wants anyway. And her excuse is that she's not used to someone having her best interests at heart. Insert eye roll here. I absolutely LOVED Owl. He was a great addition to the story, and so were the goats! The ending was very sweet and I thought it was perfect for these two.
I voluntarily reviewed an advanced readers copy of this book.