A review by bookishbubs
Summer Days and Summer Nights: Twelve Love Stories by Stephanie Perkins


Overall, this was relatively enjoyable. It was my first short story collection and difficult to read all in one go, but I had to power through the second half because it was due at the library. For future collections, I'll probably try to find them cheap at second-hand stores so I can take my time reading them. And here are the rest of my thoughts on each story since I fell behind with my updates:

"In Ninety Minutes Turn North"--I loved this one! Definitely served as redemption for Stephanie Perkins after I read Anna and the French Kiss last fall. The resolution felt a little rushed and not really whole (if that makes sense), but overall I definitely enjoyed this one, very cute. 4/5

"Souvenirs"--I didn't enjoy this one so much. The MC was really whiney, and just the concept in general put me off. 2.5/5

"Inertia"--Loved it! I kind of felt like Roth was trying to redeem herself with her fans after Allegiant, but still, I enjoyed the premise and the relationship featured in this story. It definitely pulled at my heartstrings a little. 5/5

"Love is the Last Resort"--I was a little afraid of the voice when I started this one, but it actually turned out really well! The match-making of this story is a little juvenile for my taste, but I really enjoyed the writing and want to find more from this author! 3/5

"Good Luck and Farewell"--I'm a little undecided about this one. Seeing as how the focus of this collection is the love story, this one was lacking. The romantic relationship featured was very insta-love and lacking any true basis-they mostly just bonded over being in the same kind of situation. But the familial love in this story was great and the overall plot was very enjoyable. Definitely sad at times, but an enjoyable read nonetheless. 3.5/5

"Brand New Attraction"--Definitely an interesting premise, with magic in the real world that is somewhat hidden, but the writing wasn't that great, and the love story wasn't very well developed. 2.5/5

"A Thousand Ways This Could All Go Wrong"--Loved it! I felt like we were supposed to be surprised at the reveal, but it was made very obvious when Griffin came to pick up Annie from camp. Still I enjoyed the slow development into the relationship, though the resolution was somewhat quick. 4/5

"The Map of Tiny Perfect Things"--Definitely an interesting premise, and there was a specific point when I realized what was going on, before the reveal. I felt the love story was a little forced/developed out of convenience, and I didn't really feel any connection to the characters. Still, I enjoyed some parts of it and look forward to reading more by this author.