A review by prationality
The Hedgewitch Queen by Lilith Saintcrow

Prelim Review: This is a hard one to review. I accidentally stumbled onto a review of the second book (THE BANDIT KING) from a reviewer I trust (we share similar tastes, thoughts and trigger buttons) and for whatever reason a major plot point spoiler wasn't hidden or warned of and BAM.

I read it when I was only about 40% done with this book and it soured the experience a whole lot. I was almost convinced I must have misunderstood the reviewer, but then the last 10% of the novel affirmed what she had said I nearly threw my Kindle down in disappointment.

I wanted so hard for it not to be true. And yet...I'm not sure.

I'll come back and adjust this after I read the second book. Its told from the major plot point spoiler's POV (this book is told from Vianne's) and maybe answers will be found then.