A review by hauntedorchid
Elin Olausson's Shadow Paths by Elin Olausson


This is my first time reading a Tales From Between Presents… book so let me speak first about the format. This is somewhere between a short story collection and a magazine interview, interweaving a handful of stories with questions for the author about herself and her writing. It’s a really nice way to get to know an unfamiliar author, but I have to admit to mostly skimming the interview sections as I was much more interested in the stories themselves. Which were, I have to say, very good indeed.

A creepy, haunting collection of horror and dark fantasy, Shadow Paths has the feel of a book of modern fairy tales. I was captivated by Olausson’s lyrical writing and dark twists, and will definitely seek out more by this author.

Thank you to the publisher for an advance copy in return for an honest review.