A review by krisrid
Fundraising the Dead by Sheila Connolly


This was a fun, well-written and entertaining cozy mystery. I enjoyed it.

The setting of a small Pennsylvania historial society was an interesting approach, although there wasn't really much actual history in the story, aside from brief references to various pieces or artifacts or documents held by the society. But that was okay as the story and the murder investigation were engaging enough.

The cast of characters in this book I found enjoyable as well. They are all different, quirky in their own ways, but believeable people to play their various roles in the story. I was able to connect to them and want to go along with them on their adventures.

And what adventures there are! The players in this murder mystery get themselves into all sorts of shenanigans, some voluntarily, and some not, but all of the stuff the characters get up to is interesting, and really keeps the reader moving through the story. The pacing of this book I fould to be just right.

The eventual solution was a tad predictable, or, possibly the author just gave enough clues that even I, who is usually not the person who figures out whodunnit before the reveal, sort of had an inkling of what was going to happen before the announcement. But this was still a fun, fast, easy read that I enjoyed. As a cozy, this is a good entry in the genre and I would consider reading others in this series.