A review by nm_
Daughters of Olympus by Hannah Lynn


Like all other books I've read by this author, I ended up really liking this. The first part had some flaws imo, mostly that it starts a bit slow and that I found the whole thing about
Spoiler Jason to not be so convincing. I get it that it's a book about mythology so it's bound to be unrealistic, but 1/3 of the book is Demeter grieving a man she knew for only a few hours and I feel like that wasn't "explained" well enough to make sense. I guess to me the falling in love part seemed a bit rushed, maybe it needed some more context.

Then again, it is a story about gods so things are not supposed to be too rational, I suppose. I also have to say that the book remains engrossing even during this part of the story, mostly because of how well-written it is.

At the beginning of the second part some things we already read about are shown again from a different character's perspective, but it isn't too repetitive, as the different POV is quite interesting and refreshing. The two characters have very different personalities and views of the events in the story. I though this was very well done, in the sense that I was quite surprised to find that many things were not as they appeared in the first part. This repetition also doesn't drag the story too much, but rather makes you want to keep reading because you'll want to know what happens after the big cliffhanger at the end of the first part.

The third part was by far the best and picked up the pace a lot. Like with all the other books in the series, the last chapters are very engaging and at the end of the book nothing feels unfinished. Overall, it's a very enjoyable book and I will keep recommending Hannah M. Lynn's greek mythology retellings.

Final note: I read the translated italian edition of the book, which is edited terribly (a recurrent problem in this series), so I would recommend to any italian speakers to read the original version instead.