A review by bunnerz
An Assassin's Death by Harper Wylde, A.K. Koonce


A quick fast-paced action read, but I had issues with the lack of explanations for many of the character's magical powers.

* What the heck is a "higher power"? Are there different tiers of magical powers?

* The book seems to solely revolve around the assassins. Are there no normal people they have to interact with at any point? At most, they get a mention when Alexa and the men are figuring which abandoned place to co-opt for their home base. Is this a normal urban society with the Lifeless League plopped in as an addition? What kind of people hire these assassins? How do they work with normal governmental agencies or are they just never caught?

Spoiler* It's unclear how the heck Alexa suddenly managed to start sucking powers from other people. The ending implies that she was a bred specimen and there was something to do with her deceased mother, but it makes you wonder how she didn't manage to figure this out sooner. She's been an assassin for Armond for 10ish years at this point??

* It was also very unclear how Armond's magic power worked. Was he like a life vampire sucking out years from others and adding it to his own life?? How come he was able to tattoo others with a magical power? But who knows, he's dead now.

Jameson and Mouse/Mason were my favorite characters, but hopefully Tylin and Rory become less of assholes in the coming books. Regardless of the plot issues, it was still a fun read and kept my attention.
Ratings - abandoned series:
#1 An Assassin's Death (this book): ★★★☆☆
#2 An Assassin's Deception: ★★★☆☆