A review by flowerwineandbooks
Little Gods by Meng Jin


A book full of beautiful metaphors. I highlighted so many quotes. The story was intriguing and twisting without being too difficult to follow (even the parts about quantum physics were explained well enough for the layman). All the characters had so much depth in their flaws and developments and human-ness. Each one had a very fatal law that was thoroughly explored by the author and brought to light.
I love that the main character is dead throughout the main course of the book, yet it is her story. She tried to erase her past, and in doing so sabataged her own future it seems. Her potential was so brilliant and always there, and it is so excruciatingly painful to watch her amount to so much less by the end due to the circumstances of her life.
The balance in all the themes was my favorite part. The end at the beginning, the beginning at the end; one friend trying to be smart to improve his lot in life and seemingly succeeding, the other trying to be smart just to be smart and seemingly failing; a mother trying to run away from her past and away from her daughter, a daughter trying to have a past and have a mother; a blind man married to a deformed woman.
I also loved the way Meng Jin wrote this book through the perspectives of almost secondary characters while the perspective of the sort of main character could only be seen through their eyes and their interactions with her.
I had to reread the last chapter to get all of the nuances, and I feel like I would gain even more depth just by rereading this whole book.