A review by p0laris
Luna Witch by Willow Hadley


For some reason this story is so addicting, but we're 4 books in now and we've only made it like 3/4?? weeks into the school year? And we have a couple weeks to go before Mabon and then a week (maybe) after that to make it to the full moon for their mating ceremony. That's like 3 more books. And then a whole year before their marriage? I can't get behind this slow asf pace. So much is going on with not only extremely detailed minute by minute accounts of each day, but we're also thrown POVs from any side characters available (and there are tons--I don't even remember everyone at this point). And on top of all of that, they're trying out for a musical. I guess it's to break up the monotony of every day being described in such detail, but the story is focusing on anything but the actual plot.

I love how Cricket's relationship is evolving with the guys. They're slowly becoming a solid unit and I'm excited to see how they'll grow as a pack in the future (if we ever get there ughhhh).

That ish with Immogen and her pack? Awesome. She put her AND Elias AND Hawthorn in their places in the span of like three days.

Stella's growing relationship with the guys is precious.

I didn't mention it in earlier reviews, but I really love that Cricket and Cas' family speak French with each other. It's a sweet touch that I adore every time it happens.

Let's have a moment to remember that they swore to never use their alpha voice in their relationship, but only for pack business, but Theo is using it in the bedroom during foursomes? Yikes. That's not sexy. The biggest part of submission in the bedroom is choosing to submit.

I'm also upset for Hollis because on his day with Cricket she decided to do a bunch of other things that included everyone else and then their morning was disturbed for a meeting that could have taken place at another time. It shouldn't be such a big deal, but when the timeline is so short (each book = 1 week) then every moment hold a much bigger impact.

On that same thread, they keep saying things like "we always do/say this" but it's been like two days since the last book where they definitely weren't doing or saying that stuff. And when in the timeline did they ever practice for the musical auditions? Every moment was detailed, and it never happened.

Also I have no idea why no one in this story can communicate. Almost every major issue is because of miscommunication.

Lastly, who tf will end up together? Em/Bren? Bren/Rainier? Bren/Ralph? Ralph/Oli? Rainier/Em? Oli/Rainier? This is killing meeeee. And if Killian and Alice are mates I will scream.