A review by bjaimes
The Revolution of 1936–1939 in Palestine: Background, Details, and Analysis by Ghassan Kanafani

challenging informative reflective sad fast-paced


This was a brilliant book with some of the best Marxist analysis I’ve ever read. Kanafani expertly maps the main actors in the revolution and their interests. In addition to the workers, the peasants, and the intellectuals we understand the interactions between reactionary Palestinian leaders, the Arab regimes surrounding Palestine, and the alliance between Zionism and imperialism

This book provides necessary context to the period directly predating the creation of Israel. In the 20s and 30s, Palestinians were subject to intense economic marginalization at the hands of British and Zionist capital. These acute inequalities were the driving force behind the Palestinian revolution of 36-39. This revolution (in addition to WWII) accelerated the transition in governance from the British to the Zionists and laid the groundwork for the  militarization of Zionist society. 

That was more summary than review, BUT this book is worth a read because of its concision and sharp Marxist analysis!!!