A review by beckyleew
Three Sides of a Heart: Stories About Love Triangles by Natalie C. Parker


A book of short stories? YA authors? Love triangle theme? Sign me up.
This book had a lot of different genres and a lot of diversity. While I did appreciate that there were short stories and many of them had great, quickly captivating story lines, I was thrown off every now and then by a short story that I just could not become attached to. Sometimes with short stories, you are pushed into the middle of the story and there just simply is not enough time or detail to support the context of that particular story. For that, I had to skim through a few stories.
Overall solid C effort. I'm always happy to try new books in different formats and hope that this will encourage readers to pick up more short stories. I also think that for anyone who appreciates love triangles (I understand this is not a topic that everyone likes) then it is worth reading!

For students: Not recommended based on sexual content.

Special thanks to Edelweiss for the advance copy!