A review by scparris
The Sons of Thestian by M.E. Vaughan


Now that I have some time, I've decided to put my thoughts about this amazing book into words.

M.E. Vaughan has created the start of a gorgeous fantasy series all fans of the genre should read, immediately.

Littered with Celtic, Arthurian lore, The Sons of Thestian transports us to a place reminiscent of medieval Ireland where the forests are filled with terrifying sidhe-folk, and the castle walls are no safer.

Our trio in this tale are the endurable Jionathan, the wonderful Rufus Merle, and Fae, the awesome Cat-Sidhe. Throughout their trials, they find themselves drawn together through their narrow-escapes, near-deaths, and general wit (which they each have plenty of), but the heart of the story is Rufus, who cannot seem to stay away from our troubled Prince, Jionathan.

In lieu of spoiling anything, I'll only say this:

The ending was such a beautifully-crafted writing piece of writing that I immediately desired to know what would happen next. It vexed and saddened me, and for any novel to do that immediately has a place on my list in my top favorites.

The Sons of Thestian set up a tale that I desperately want to continue. I can't wait to get my hands on book 2 whenever it's released.

Thank you, M.E. Vaughan, for this amazing story.