A review by booksbybindu
In the Blood by Margaret Kirk


I was so pleased to be asked onto this book tour as I am a huge fan of Margaret’s work.

‘In The Blood’ is the third outing for DI Lukas Mahler but it can be read as a standalone. I would recommend reading the previous two books as it is a fantastic series. I think I raved about them enough on here for you to get the gist! ‘In The Blood’ was atmospheric and haunting from the get-go. The locus of the introductory murder site stood as a marker for the quality of this book and the author’s writing. The mythology and Viking history, interspersed with the hauntingly beautiful backdrop of Orkney meant that this is a story that entices the reader and once you are hooked, well. It's a dark novel but it is punctured with light and hope for the main characters.

I loved how this outing looks at the background of Lukas and his time in England as a police officer. Lukas is a complex character and it was illuminating to see how some of his personality had been formed. Especially, the relationship with the victim, the reasons behind his new name and the cases that they worked on together.

Margaret has managed to produce the best outing in the series so far, it's dark, gritty, has a multi-layered narrative that is tense and gripping and showcases her love for the north of Scotland. I honestly can’t wait for the next in the series.