A review by amym84
Where Hope Comes From: Poems of Resilience, Healing, and Light by Nikita Gill



I do not read a lot of poetry, and I've never read any by Nikita Gill before. But I was very intrigued by the idea of Nikita Gill so directly tackling the pandemic - and the challenging year we've all been through - in poem form along with a kind of bigger declaration of how all of us together make up this wonderful, fantastical universe combating the loneliness many of us felt during this extremely trying time.

I cannot even count how many times I would be reading through one of the poems and it would just hit me how much I related to the words on the page. How they fit into my own personal feelings and experience from this past year especially as it's been over a year and I've started to reflect upon where me and my family was this same time in 2020 with each passing day. These poems are so relatable and kind of stand as a testament of life.

What's more, it's a testament to the strength of the human spirit. Gill makes sure to highlight that these experiences are not singular. That they are shared by everyone. While there are variances, every single person was hit in some way by this pandemic. That we are not as alone with this as it oftentimes felt. I think that human connection is one of the most important things to convey in all of this. That we've all felt the loss in some way, shape, or form. It's something that will stay with all of us for the rest of our lives. But looking to the smaller victories, things we learned, people we loved and spent our time with, etc. that's where we succeed.

I can certainly see myself going back to this collection sometime in the future as a look at where we were in 2020 and hopefully as a prediction of where we will find ourselves.

*ARC provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.