A review by egbella
The Mystery of Providence by John Flavel


Another loaner from my cousin, and it's another great read. Contrasted to Thomas Watson's, "All Things For Good", this book was a bit denser, harder to read, but still packed full of insightful biblical truths. It was more difficult for me to be drawn into this one, but when I focused, I was grateful for all the information on God's providence. That's not a word I hear very often, so it was interesting to read about, and basically realize that the author is talking about God's mercy, grace, provision, power, etc.
The book dives into the evidence and effects of God's hand in every aspect of the world and our lives, big and small. It was a powerful reminder that He is always in control, even when we don't understand how He's working.
I would recommend this to any Christian wanting to be reminded of God's presence and provision, or simply for anyone wanting to study this aspect of God's character and our salvation.