A review by kadomi
Dragonoak: The Complete History of Kastelir by Sam Farren


I originally discovered this book because the author posted a Life is Strange fanfiction story that I love. She mentioned in the author's notes that she's offering the first book of her fantasy series for free on Amazon, mentioning that it contains gay ladies and women of color and such.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book, though it is not without weak points. Told from the first perspective, our protagonist is Rowan, a girl from a small village where she is shunned because she is a necromancer. What necromancy is capable of, you never fully learn. It has the power to heal people and bring them back from the dead, and in the past was used to control dragons and a race called pane (who I imagine much like the Qunari from Dragon Age). In any case, Rowan tends sheep and lives alone, until a knight comes by, Sir Igtham. She is a celebrated dragon-slayer traveling through, and when she departs, Rowan runs away with her. The knight doesn't ever tell Rowan what her mission is, but takes her along. On the way, they meet the pane woman Rán who turns out to be integral to Sir Igtham's mission.

The characters are the focus of the author, and thus, the story is incredibly slow to build. Rowan has no clue what's going on, and is mostly a sightseer. It's only until the last quarter of the book that Rowan finds out the truth, and then things end in a fast-paced cliffhanger that finds me eager to read on.

Rowan and Sir Claire Igtham have a slow-burn romance that was very sweet and enjoyable to read, though I really wish we got to know Claire better. It's my weakness for ice-queens, I suppose.

The world-building is quite excellent, I just wish we found out more backstory than the glimpses of the past we've received so far.

In any case, I recommend this book, if you're into fantasy and enjoy f-f romances.